eInvitations (eMail Invitations) | eAlerts | Corporate Events

eInvitations (eMail Invitations for corporate events)
e-Invitation | e-Alert | e-Teaser | Save the Date | Corporate Event Management

Email invitations (eInvitations) reduce printing costs & distribution costs, shorten production lead times and generate quicker responses as your invitees can RSVP at a mouse click. This increases the response rates which helps event planning, etc.

Similarly, eTeasers can be used to reserve a date in peoples diaries in advance of formal invitations being sent out.

Invitees can add details of the event directly to their Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Links to more information such as agendas or directions can be included also.

Have a look at Signal Communications portfolio for examples of eInviatations and eTeasers produced for Bord Bia.

We are a Dublin based company, offering eInvitation Design & Production Services. Please contact Signal Communications for a quotation for your next eAlert project.

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